HTML is the basic tool for designing a web page. HTML stands for Hypertext markup language. It is used for documentation of web page.
Hypertext is ordinary text that has been dressed up with extra features such as formatting, images,multimedia and links to other documents.
Markup is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols to the text to convert it in to hypertext. Each of the symbols used for markup in html is command that tells the browser how to display text. Html has well defined syntax and formal structure.
Frames in HTML :-
The browser window can be divided into two or more unique regions. Each unique region is called a frame. A frame is an individual ,independently scrolling region of a web page.Each frame can be loaded with a different document and hence allow multiple HTML documents to be seen concurrently.
The <frameset> tag is used to create the frame , while <frame> is used to locate the web pages into divided frames. <frameset> tag uses COLS and ROWS attribute to specify how many columns or rows a frameset need to split in and what should be a size of each.
For example , <FRAMESET ROWS="200,300,*"> would split the window horizontally into three parts. The first part will be 200 pixels high, the second would be 300 pixels. and the * indicates that the remaining part is allocated to third. We can also specify percentages.
<TITLE> Frame </TITLE>
<FRAME SRC="first.html" NAME="f1">
<FRAME SRC="second.html" NAME="f2">
The <frameset> tag is used instead of <body>
Attributes of <FRAMESET> tag.
ROWS - Specify how many rows the frameset needs to be spilt in and what should be the size of each.
COLS - Specify how many columns the frameset needs to be spilt in and what should be the size of each.
FRAMEBORDER - Indicates whether the frame's border is visible (1) or not (0).
BORDER - Specifies the thickness of borders around frames.
BORDERCOLOR - Sets the color of the frame border.
FRAMESPACING - Specifies the space between frames within the browser.
BORDER - Specifies the thickness of borders around frames.
BORDERCOLOR - Sets the color of the frame border.
FRAMESPACING - Specifies the space between frames within the browser.
<FRAME> tag
<FRAMESET> tag is used to divide browser screen into two or more frames.
The <FRAME> is used to locate the documents into divided frames. SRC attribute gives the URL of the documents. we can also provide specific name to the frame using NAME attribute
Example :.
<HEAD> <TITLE>Nested Frame</TITLE>
<FRAME SET COLS="50%, *">
<FRAMESRC ="first.html" NAME= "f1">
<FRAMESET ROW = "50%, *">
<FRAME SRC = "second.html" NAME= "f2">
<FRAME SRC="third.html" Name="F3">
Attributes of <FRAME> tag.
SRC - Specifies location of document you want to load within defined frame.
Name - Assigns name to the frame or targeting and linking purpose.
FRAMEBORDER- Indicates whether the frame's border is visible(1) or not(0).
MARGINWIDTH - Specifies left and right margins of frame in Pixels.
MARGINHEIGHT - Specifies Top and Bottom margins of frame in Pixels.
SCROLLING - Indicates whether a scroll bar is present within a frame or not.
Yes- Visible No- Never Visible Auto- default automatically.
NORESIZE - Specifies that frame is not re sizable.
Interlinking frames
Two frames can be interlinked using TARGET attribute of <A> tag and NAME attribute of <FRAME> tag. The TARGET attribute of the <A> tag can be used so that any click on a link causes the page to be displayed in another frame .
First it requires assigning specific name to the frames using NAME attribute.
For example, the html code for "main.html" is
<FRAMESET COLS = "30%, *">
<FRAME NAME="left" SRC="left.html">
<FRAME NAME="right">
The screen will split vertically in two parts. Left part has name'left' and right part part 'right'. The 'left.html' will display in a left part which contains a link that open corresponding HTML document into right part.
Now <A> tag to create link in left.html has following code.
<A HREF="first.html" Target="right"> Link 1 </A><p>
<A HREF="second.html" Target="right"> Link 2 </A>
Q.1. Fill In the Blanks.
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